Each Kreayola Kids Centers is a licensed childcare facilities. We enjoy children and want to give them a loving and happy environment to spend their childhood. Caring for children is our professional choice. Their physical and emotional needs are equally important to us.
Kreayola Kids invites you to explore with your child a world of adventure filled with enthusiastically, motivating, and age appropriate activities. Operating under the concepts of learning through play and self-discovery, each Kreayola Kids Centers is designed to enhance every area of a child’s development.
The growth of a well-rounded child
Physically and
Intellectually is the primary objective.
Steps are taken to ensure each child has an understanding of basic concepts needed for the next academic phase. Additionally self-esteem, social interaction, and environmental awareness are the areas explored through age appropriate materials that stimulate your child to enthusiastically exhibit him/herself creatively.
Kreayola Kids believes that every child has a unique way of exploring his/her environment. Therefore each child is encouraged to work independently at times, making self-discoveries or to work in group activities for cooperative explorations.
We have several goals for children.
To feel good about who they are
To be competent and confident in their abilities
To develop self-control and a sense of right and wrong
To learn cooperation with other children as well as adults
To develop a love for learning and the ability to know how to learn
To be self-directed in a constructive, creative manner
To be successful in future educational experiences
To reach their full potential in emotional, intellectual, physical and social development
Kreayola Kids Centers participates in the MSDE Child and Adult Food Care Program and therefore follows their nutritional guidelines. Everyone gets a light breakfast and a snack daily. Staff will accommodate children with known allergies.
Snacks are served and prepared with the elements from the food pyramid. Milk, fruit juice, and/or water will be served with the snacks.
For the Infant-5yrs program, lunch is provided until further notice.
In an effort to promote good nutrition for growing bones, muscle and brain tissue, our lunch policy is geared to ensuring that children have healthy meals and snacks.
We encourage milk/juice, a protein source, and fruit/vegetable in the child’s lunch.
Lunch menus are posted for your review.
During field trips pre-schoolers are required to bring their own lunch for the day, except during field trips that include lunch.