Kreayola Kids Learning Centers


Important Reminder to Parents.


Thank you for utilizing our Centers. As we start the New Year, it is important to begin on the same foot. Understand we do our best to keep our tuition prices competitive and relatively low. In order to continue to do so, payments are to be made in a timely fashion.

Tuition must be paid on a weekly basis. All tuition payments are due on Friday, with the grace period of Monday before 6:00pm. If tuition is not paid, Tuesday morning 10 am, authorization card will be charge. Remember you are paying in advance. However, payment must be made on the first day of attendance of each week. If payment is not made by the first day of attendance, child care services will be discontinued until the account is paid in full. When services are suspended, you are responsible for transporting your child to and from school. 

The late charge for failing to pay your scheduled fees in a timely manner is $35.00 per day. Therefore after 6:00pm on Monday, a $35.00/day charge is assessed to your tuition. After a week of non-payment, a re-enrollment fee of $35.00 will be required. 

As a reminder, a written two-week notice is required prior to terminating a child’s enrollment. Payment will be required for the two weeks after notice is given. Accounts that are left unpaid will be turned over to a collection agency. 

Thank you for choosing us here at Kreayola Kids. We look forward to working with you to provide the best possible care for your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please call. 


Effective 11/1/23 MSDE is now paperless. MSDE CHILDCARE SUBSIDY DEPARTMENT have a parent portal that requires all participants to activate their account. During this process, parents are responsible to approve the attendance BI-WEEKLY through the PARENT PORTAL. If you (The Parent) do not approve of the attendance within 15 days, MSDE will suspend and/or terminate your scholarships. When your scholarship becomes suspended/terminated. You (The parent) are responsible for the weekly tuition in full.  

When this occurs , you (the parent) will have to go through the process of re-applying for new scholarships with an additional waiting period for approval through MSDE. KREAYOLA KIDS’ POLICY REQUIRES YOU (The Parent/Guardian) to sign your child in and out at the center. In the future, there will be a fee of $TBA if your child is not signed in and out for the day. This will avoid complications with childcare subsidy and interruptions in services provided.


February Birthdays

Nyann Bynum-Hughes

Anthony Small

Austin Major

Taylor Cunningham

Nico French

Legend Harris

Malakai Henry

St. Mars Honesty

Chance Howard

Rylee King

Kenny Maybin

Mila Simmons

Janiya Smith

Raylin Perry

Hello Everyone, 

We are doing a fresh start for the New Year. Due to previous issues, effective immediately, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO address the staff with issues or concerns. All issues and/or concerns must be directed to the front office immediately. We will NOT tolerate confrontations or disrespect from anyone. All issues or concerns must be address immediately or it is consider irrelevant. Anyone that does not comply will be subject to Termination. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office administrator of your child's provider. Current administrator can be found on our website.

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Reminder For New Parents


Dear Parents,

We have launched the Procare software. This platform gives us the tools we need to easily share your child’s daily activities, including photos and videos. It also allows for easy messaging, contactless sign-in and more.

Procare will provide the following functionalities, giving our staff more time to focus on creating amazing learning opportunities for your child:

  • Notifications sent when your child is signed in/out

  • Portfolio of student pictures

  • Enhanced communication and more to come

  • Contactless sign-in—STARTING—GPS CHECK-IN

Mobile App

Within the next few days, you will receive a unique 4-digit pin and information to download the mobile app via email. For additional security, you will be notified via email when your child is signed in and out of the center. This procedure has already taken place. Please review your email.


We can now create a portfolio containing pictures taken throughout the day. These pictures will be available for you to download, share, print or link to Facebook.

We look forward to your participation with this exciting, new software!


Kreayola Management


Activities are but not limited to Performance Art Activities, Bible Study and Recreational activities.

Kreayola Kids Learning Center

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